Pandemic Policies & Procedures

Little Learners Creative Center will follow all regulations outlined by the governor of the State of Ohio and/or the Ohio Director of Health. The policies and procedures outlined in this section will remain in effect from the point in time when the governor of Ohio declares a state of emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic and/or directs ODJFS to issue transition requirements.


Group Size & Ratio:

Little Learners Creative Center will ensure that the following staff child ratios and maximum group size limitations are maintained at all times:

  • One child care staff member per four infants with no more than six children in the room.
  • One child care staff member per six toddlers with no more than six children in the room.
  • One child care staff member per nine preschool children with no more than nine children in the room.
  • One child care staff member per nine school-age children with no more than nine children in the room.

Handwashing & Hygiene:

Little Learners Creative Center will ensure the following handwashing/hygiene procedures are followed per OAC 5101:2-12-13:

  • All administrators, child care staff members and employees shall wash their hands upon entering a classroom and prior to leaving for the day.
  • All children shall wash their hands prior to leaving for the day.

Arrival & Departure:

Little Learners Creative Center will require that all administrators, employees, child care staff members take their temperature as soon as they arrive each day. We will immediately send home any child,  administrator, or staff member who has a temperature of one hundred degrees or higher. The child care staff member (CCSM) will not be permitted to return to the center until he or she has been fever-free, without the use of fever-reducing medication, for at least twenty-four hours.

If the CCSM has had known contact with someone confirmed or probable to have COVID-19, prior to returning to the center he or she must complete isolation or quarantine procedures for COVID-19 in coordination with the local health department. The requirements of this paragraph also apply to anyone whose temperature is taken after arrival.

No more than two parents will be allowed to enter Little Learners Creative Center at one time, and masks must be worn at all times while indoors. Hand sanitizer and disinfectants will be used before and after an individual accesses the TAP machine.


Exposure & Reporting Procedures

If an administrator, employee, or child care staff member employed by Little Learners Creative Center, or a child enrolled in the center tests positive for COVID-19, the program will:

  • Notify ODJFS by the next business day in the Ohio child licensing and quality system as a serious incident pursuant to rule 5101:2-12-16 of the Administrative Code.
  • Notify the local health department by the next business day.
  • Ensure that the person completes isolation or quarantine procedures for COVID-19 in coordination with the local health department prior to being permitted to return to the program​.